Exploring the potential of the metaverse in enhancing knowledge and information science-based professions
The metaverse is a virtual world that significantly influences knowledge and information science management entrepreneurship. It is a platform for innovation, collaboration, and global knowledge sharing, allowing entrepreneurs to create businesses, products, and services tailored to the metaverse's unique needs. Advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, big data, and machine learning enhance information analysis and management. The metaverse also supports virtual learning environments, enabling individuals to acquire skills engagingly and inclusively, which can foster new educational models and expand knowledge-based industries. This study explores the role of metaverse technology in knowledge and information science management, highlighting its impact on innovation, collaboration, and knowledge dissemination. Furthermore, the metaverse helps organize and categorize information effectively, making it easier for users to locate and share data.
Metaverse, Virtual education, Knowledge and information scienceReferences
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