A systematic review of Metaverse environment


  • Asif Zaman Computer Science and Engineering, American International University, Bangladesh
  • Mushfiqur Rahman Abir Computer Science and Engineering, American International University, Bangladesh
  • Tanjil Hasan Sakib Computer Science and Engineering, American International University, Bangladesh
  • Asgor Hossain Reaj Computer Science and Engineering, American International University, Bangladesh


Metaverse, Trust, Privacy, Security, Ethics


The rise of the metaverse, a blend of virtual and augmented realities, opens vast possibilities for social engagement, economic transactions, and digital innovation. However, establishing a reliable metaverse involves significant technical and ethical hurdles. From a technical perspective, creating the metaverse necessitates a robust infrastructure, including high-speed internet, advanced hardware, and scalable platforms capable of supporting many simultaneous users. Key challenges include ensuring interoperability among various systems and maintaining cybersecurity to protect user data and privacy. On the ethical front, the metaverse must tackle issues related to digital identity, inclusivity, and equitable access, striving to bridge digital divides and ensure the representation of diverse demographics. Furthermore, there is a need to develop measures to combat misinformation, harassment, and digital addiction, which requires robust governance frameworks. This paper delves into these complex challenges, advocating for a multi-stakeholder approach that brings together policymakers, technologists, and ethicists to establish comprehensive standards and regulations. By addressing both the technical and ethical aspects, the objective is to create a Metaverse that is secure, inclusive, and advantageous for all users.


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How to Cite

A systematic review of Metaverse environment. (2024). Metaversalize, 1(1), 1-20. https://meta.reapress.com/journal/article/view/17