Transforming user experience in the metaverse through edge technology
Metaverse, Edge computing, Distributed computing, LatencyAbstract
The Metaverse, an emerging virtual universe, allows real-time interactions and solid social links between humans, akin to the physical world. However, today's cloud-based metaverse infrastructure struggles to meet the metaverse's low latency and high bandwidth requirements. This is where edge computing steps in, moving processing closer to consumers and applications and overcoming these challenges. The Metaverse, as a new distributed computing paradigm for computationally intensive tasks, can be offloaded to the network's edge. In this paper, we first outline the architecture of the metaverse and the driving technologies and underscore the pivotal role of edge computing in the digital infrastructure for realizing the metaverse. We then propose an edge computing-enabled Metaverse, focusing on its performance in terms of rendering, latency, resource allocation, and communication. Finally, we delve into the challenges of implementing edge techniques, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
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